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Natcaron Photography
{Missing Friends}
Who else out there is missing some of their best friends?
Me, I am. I miss so many friends right now. Especially this one @tarah_rogers . 
Tarah has been one of those people that stands beside you with strength, through whatever adventure you feel like going on. She has been a rock in my life. A big sister (even though I’m the older one). •
It’s really beginning to hurt my heart not to see her, along with so many other friends (I’ll include my brothers in there too 😏).
Who are you missing during these ef’d up times?
I have loved working with staff over the years. They have become friends, and more so, my little sisters. They have come and gone. And it’s truly sad to see them go. But also so important for them to grow to their next potential. They were of course happy for me when I booked big clients, or dream clients. And felt heartache for me, when things were ever rough in the business. But it wasn’t their win, nor their burden.
Since finding a partner in @angela.s.doyon it’s so much more exciting living thru the WINS and goal setting!! 👯‍♀️
That’s why I felt instantly drawn to @acinteriorsdesign because these two ladies have been there for each other through all of the ups and downs. Including the life moments. They know how to create in harmony together, by leaning on each other’s strengths.
Mark a #1 👆below if you will forever be a #solopreneur 
Mark a #2 ✌️below if you love having a partner/business bestie
Mid November, I was driving back from a shoot, completely inspired, and listening to a podcast (which was a big part of my every day back then. Full out #podcastaddict ).
@angela.s.doyon popped into my head, then I noticed it was 11:11am. Not going into numbers right now guys, but it’s kind of a big deal.
I had to reach out to her. “Hey, want to start a podcast?” “Absolutely!”
And so it begun.....
Today’s episode is near and dear to me. It’s all about being empowered by saying no!! Which if you know me, is very hard to do. 
If you want to check it out, head over to @thesocial.focus or @applepodcasts or @spotifycanada to listen. 😃
Which episode has been your favourite so far?

Good Design is as little design as possible.

Less, but better.
Because it concentrates on the essential aspects
So the product is not burdened by non-essentials.

Back to purity
Back to simplicity. - Dieter Rams
{Perfect Light}

Taking outdoor photos are not always easy. Especially this time of year when it’s hot, there’s little to no clouds in the sky, and shadows are harsh.
Here are a few tips for better outdoor photography (even if your camera is your phone):
1. I book early morning shoots or early evening. Within the first hour of the sun coming up (yup, that’s early), and the last 2 hours before sunset
2. If you need to shoot during the day, find the shade. And always shoot towards the sun. Meaning if you’re photographing a person, their back should be facing the sun. This will Eliminate spotty light. ⛅️
3. Check your weather app and choose an overcast day. This is harder to plan. But if you are flexible, this lighting is the easiest to work with. Mother nature’s soft box. .
Photo taken for @northern_sup
{Lincoln & Hendrix}
I have 3 amazing boys. My youngest 2 were named after 2 men who stood for change, and being ok with being a leader and a pioneer as new voices.
I can feel the pain in the world right now. But I can also see how this human rights movement will bring huge purpose in a world that has been struggling. And this will not be the last time. I also know that all 3 of my boys will one day stand up and choose to fight for a better world for their children, and for children they have never met. 
Thank you to all of you who continue every day to fight. I stand with you in strength and compassion.
From now until June 7th Our feed will be muted to leave space for the many voices that deserve to be heard right now. We are listening!
Tonight, we celebrated, because it was a beautiful day, it was our first day with our members in The Social Storytellers Community, and so many new beginnings to come.
I’ll be honest, I rarely take the moments to celebrate. And I know it’s important. But I’m usually like.... “Okay, cool..... now what’s next?”
But I’m learning. Every day, and every beautiful night like tonight.
I saw a really great post by @lewishowes . I’ll add it to my stories for you to go watch! It’s worth your 2 minutes.
As I chat with many entrepreneurs, I have found there are 2 types of business owners during this pandemic.
The “wait & see” Entrepreneur 
The “no better time then the present” Entrepreneur✨
This is not to place judgement. You are the only one that knows what’s best for you.
But what I do know is if you are waiting for a time that is predictable, and less challenging, I can tell you, that time is rare. •
Stop waiting for circumstances to be perfect, or back to normal. Adjust, react, and create now.
Last point, every business owner I have chatted with who is using social media to get their message out, are BUSIER! Yes, that’s correct, they’re busier and still continuing to grow in their business. 
Whatever you are currently posting, I challenge you to double it. And be consistent. Schedule an appointment in your calendar with an alarm. And commit to it. Commit to your business. Commit to your success.🧐
These images were from a shoot just a few short months ago, when things were “normal” 😃
It sucks failing. I know I know I know. Sometimes it’s even embarrassing. But have you ever changed your perspective around? I figure, if I fail this time, I’m just getting closer and closer to succeeding. •
But wouldn’t you agree, life is pretty darn burning without taking chances and putting yourself out there!
Comment with an emoji that tells me how much you love or hate failing! Examples: 👎✨🥳😤🧐🖕🦹‍♀️🔥
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